A complimentary service brought to you by Ground Floor Analytics


Free Insights Audit

The First Step On Your Insights Transformation Journey

A 30-minute conversation over phone or video-chat to go over your most pressing reporting and analytics concerns, and identify your most promising opportunities in the world of insights.

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What we'll discuss on this call

What we'll discuss will depend on your situation and priorities. However, here's a few examples to give you some ideas.

The tools you are currently using, and whether you are getting the most out of them
The highest leverage activities available to you to bring down your time to insight
The breakdown of analytical work in your team - to identify opportunities for de-duplication
Additional context you could add to your current metrics, to give them more power to drive actions

Free Insights Audit

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Even in 2021, tedious reporting tasks are ruining mornings around the world.

This quick audit is intended to provide you with some ideas and suggestions to help get your reporting and insight generation activities on the right track.

You'll take away action points that will make tedious reporting tasks a thing of the past, and learn how analytics professionals use tools like Excel and Power BI to maximise insight and reduce repetition.

Become aware of the mistakes that too many people make when they design their reports, so you can avoid them from the start, or fix them if they're already there.

Let's get started!


Request an Insights Audit

From Excel To Power BI Below Form Banner (1).png